Yucahu, Yuca, and the Sweet Word - English Recording
Yucahu, Yuca, and the Sweet Word - English Recording
We invite you to accompany us on an imaginary canoe trip, traveling in the Caribbean Sea, from the wisdom of our Amazonian ancestors to the current Taino traditions.
I will be delighted to talk with you about topics as necessary as the Yuca, Yucahu, and the sweet word. We will take this canoe trip to the origins of the yuca, domestication, agriculture, food, and survival. We will continue the journey to the Taino spiritual world, creation stories, and the social and spiritual relationship between women and yuca.
At the end of this class, you will understand the sacredness of the yuca and Yucahu; you will know how to plant yuca and a planting ritual. You will also understand the yuca's role to women, preparing the sacred food and drink, and recipes in contemporary Caribbean culinary.
Thanks for taking a vow to remember our Taino's ways.
The recording is hosted on a private YouTube channel. You must have a YouTube account to access the recording as it is registered to your email address. If the email you used to purchase the course registration/replay is different than your YouTube account email address, please email Kristina at ceremoniessacredtainohealing@gmail.com with the your YouTube account email address to ensure access. This is a lifetime link; it will not expire. If you have any trouble viewing the recording, please email Kristina for assistance.
Out of respect for Irka and her work, we ask that the link to the recording not be shared.
A link to this recording will be sent via email within 24 hours of purchase.